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60-Minute Coaching Session
(Valued At $299)

So that we can customize your experience and give you the best strategy to help you reach your goals, simply answer these questions.

CLARITY: Do you feel you are clear about who you are, your purpose, and the direction you want to go in life? (Rate on a scale of 1 to 10)*
ENERGY: Do you consistently have enough mental and physical energy needed to excel, accomplish your goals, and feel motivated and happy? (Rate on a scale of 1 to 10)*
COURAGE: Do you take action and consistently express who you truly are and what you truly think, need, and desire with the world? (Rate on a scale of 1 to 10)*
PRODUCTIVITY: Are you consistently focused and effective, and are you good at minimizing distractions and maintaining priorities? (rate on a scale of 1-10)*
INFLUENCE: Do you feel you have the social influence with your family, friends, and team needed to accomplish your goals? (rate on a scale of 1-10)*
3) Have you ever had a Coach before?*
4) Do you believe that with the right strategies, training, and tools most men can transform themselves and their marriages?*
5) Do you believe your personal potential would be achieved significantly faster if you had an expert by your side?*
6) Are you okay with being held accountable to a higher standard of achievement by someone who has helped other me in your situation fix their marriages?*
7) Do you feel that you are living a vibrant, joyful, and fully charged life?*
8) Is there a reoccurring negative limiting thought that you know of, that is holding you back from being the best version of yourself?*
9) What areas of your life do you feel need your greatest focus right now?